Feedback from own GP survey and national survey

New Queen Street and Stanground team responds to patient feedback from own GP survey and national survey

We’d like to thank over 600 patients who completed the New Queen Street and Stanground Patient Survey in March this year. The National GP survey undertaken in January, has also been published with 115 responses and covers similar questions.

After carefully analysing the results, we are taking the following actions to address issues raised, we will be:

  • Supporting our patient services team with additional training
  • Reviewing the way we use the Anima triage model at reception, and emphasising that patients do not only need to contact us online, they can walk in and call as before
  • Increasing GP capacity with additional telephone appointments with a view to converting these to face to face if needed
  • Reallocating working patterns to free up more GP availability in Stanground
  • Adding capacity to our pharmacy team
  • Allocating more staff to answering calls at the busiest times
  • Reviewing staffing at Stanground, which is fully operational, but we will be looking at staffing and rotas to ensure we offer as much capacity as possible with all clinical and admin roles

The surveys gave patients the opportunity to comment on all aspects of our service and we have analysed the data collected to see how and where we can make the most impact and respond to their concerns. A total of 607 patients completed the New Queen Street and Stanground survey this year compared to just 137 last year, so the increased data highlighted issues around access, continuity of care and service delivery which we are seeking to address.

Since the survey was conducted in March, we have recruited a new Practice Manager and management support team. Over the past year we have also welcomed two new GP Partners and have an ongoing recruitment campaign.
New Queen Street and Stanground Surgeries has the lowest staff turnover of all eight Lakeside practices so our team is experienced and committed to delivering primary care in the longer term.

The majority of the  New Queen Street and Stanground GP Partners

The majority of the  New Queen Street and Stanground GP Partners

The New Queen Street and Stanground GP Partners said: ‘Thanks to patients for responding to these surveys, which have given us a huge amount of valuable data and feedback. The actions we are implementing are in direct response to these concerns.

‘Every comment submitted was considered and our patients’ views are very important. We have ongoing dialogue with our Patient Participation Group and local stakeholders, including councillors and health agencies to understand the issues and make changes where we are able.

‘Availability of GP appointments is a national issue and was repeatedly highlighted during the election campaign and we await help for general practice and its patients. We will listen to our patients and continue to make changes within the constraints of the NHS budget and staffing. We will be running a further survey next year to see how the changes we are implementing make a positive difference.’

Published: Jul 23, 2024

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